Google Analytics 4 can be confusing. Business owners and managers often struggle to understand it, in my experience.

Here are three third-party Google Chrome extensions to create GA4 reports, add annotations, and access data quickly.

Create Reports

GA4 Fixer is a free extension that helps create useful GA4 reports. It offers the following pre-build reports to launch with one click:

  • Conversions: comparison of your key events.
  • New versus returning users.
  • Exit pages: The pages from which users most often leave the site.
  • Landing pages (organic search): Pages people land on after searching Google.

The extension enhances GA4 reports by adding:

  • % of the total.
  • Sticky headers (to see headers above numbers when scrolling).
  • “Click-to-copy” capability: Copy any value in a report by clicking it.
Screenshot of a GA4 Fixer report with multiple columns.

GA4 Fixer provides data on sessions, engagement, conversions, events, and more. Click image to enlarge.

Add Annotations

Automated Google Analytics Annotations GA4 is a freemium extension that adds notes to reports to correlate marketing and other changes with traffic.

It can also automatically import your ad campaigns from your Google Ads, Facebook, and Instagram accounts, create a new note when you publish an article, and annotate confirmed Google algorithm updates.

The tool offers a limited free version. Paid plans start at $39 per month with a free two-week trial.

Another Chrome extension — Google Analytics 4 Annotations – GA4 Notes — provides similar functionality.

Screenshot of an GA4 report with an annotation from Automated Google Analytics Annotations GA4.

Automated Google Analytics Annotations GA4 add notes to reports to correlate marketing and other changes with traffic. Click image to enlarge.

Quick On-Page Data

Page Analytics is a free Chrome extension to access traffic data quickly for any of your pages in the browser view. The on-page report includes:

  • Page views.
  • Scrolled users (people who scrolled down your page).
  • Average session duration.
  • Bounce rate.
  • Conversion rate.
  • Traffic sources.
  • Referral traffic sources.
  • Outbound clicks.

Page Analytics is a helpful time saver, as obtaining data for a single page in GA4 requires navigating through the interface with multiple clicks.

Screenshot of a Page Analytics screen with data.

Page Analytics provides extensive traffic data for any of your pages in the browser view. Click image to enlarge.

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